Blog - Education for all ages

View to Europa

A seminar on "the European Union" was organised for classes 9 to 12. A German judge gave the students first-hand insights into the historical roots, the underlying values, the organisation of the EU and its institutions.

Student’s exchange

During the Easter holidays, 7 pupils from Germany (9 to 17 years old) were able to attend classes at the Academy for a few days. While communication was a big challenge at the beginning, it was quickly overcome creatively. The boarding school in particular offered...

Understanding without words

A music class at the Academy recently experienced that making music together in music lessons creates a bond. Spontaneously, two European musicians (percussion, piano, singing) visited the music class and were immediately integrated into the lesson. A lasting memory...

First Aid Seminar

Two medical students from Germany recently taught first aid at the Academy. After one of them had already participated as an instructor in the first aid seminar in 2017, the Academy seized the opportunity and requested another session. Correct emergency calls, lateral...

Cooking club relaunched

Now that the coronalage in India has calmed down, the cooking club at the Academy could start again. This time, the programme included typical Indian dishes, Russian salad and biscuits. As it is well known that the eye also eats with the food, tips on the art of...

Renovation at Public School

After the Academy, the Public School was also recently renovated. Several classrooms received a new coat of paint and repairs were made.

Schools in distance mode again

After schools in Punjab were able to reopen briefly at the turn of the year, the nationwide hard lockdown forced distance learning or closure again. In the meantime, the academy is technically set up in such a way that distance learning can be offered not only in the...

Roof repair (academy cum hostel)

3.000 € were sent in March to Kirpal Sagar. The money will be spent for the repair and tightening of the roofs of the academy and the hostels. In the meanwhile the major part of the work is done although the shut-down due to corona-virus stopped the efforts at last.

Delicious Meals

Delicious Meals

In the new “cultural heritage” centre, a one-day workshop in traditional culinary art took place…

Cross Run

Cross Run

After the heat of the summer had become bearable in the meantime, the first cross-country race…

Seminar agreed

Seminar agreed

For the new section of the Upper School 2019/2021 at the Gymnasium Freyung in Germany…

Excursion to Hospital

Excursion to Hospital

In classes 11 and 12, the Academy offers several branches, including the “medical branch”, which prepares students for…

Accredition Open School

Accredition Open School

On 10 March, the National Institue of Open Schooling in Delhi announced that vocational training courses in Kirpal Sagar…

Academy awarded

Academy awarded

Good education is highly valued by Indian parents. Comparative tests are frequent and popular. In an India-wide comparison, in which 18,000 schools…

Agricultural Trade Fair

Agricultural Trade Fair

In Kirpal Sagar, a trade fair with a series of lectures on the subject of sustainable agriculture took place in November, one highlight being the presentation

Ventilation Training

Ventilation Training

On November 2nd a training for emergency room staff took place at the Kirpal Sagar Charitable Hospital. Four nurses practiced…

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