Education projects of KS-Plus support in schools and in adult education as well. They focus on expanding and deepening the range of services on offer – a plus in education.
Workshops First Aid
- First aid is a blessing where rescue services are thin on the ground. The Academy set the target for 2017 that the students of the medical branch of +1 and +2 should be taught first aid in First Aid-Courses. That was indeed a furious start in October ! At the moment we are collecting for more practice material.
Solar Energy for School
- Electricity is needed for many things in a school. In the medium term, it should come largely from solar power. A project for this was launched in 2017. In addition to energetic help, we also collect money for it.
Extending the school building
- A good indoor climate supports learning. Twice a year, the monsoon brings large amounts of rain and thus great challenges. KS-plus supports the physically healthy expansion of the facilities and buildings to the best of its ability. In 2018 we will start with music.
- Integration of foreign lecturers: together with the Academy and the Indian provider, we want to expand the distance learning system so that foreign schools and teachers can also participate,
- Further content is integrated into the distance learning system for this purpose.
- School exchanges, international school projects like the P-Seminar of the Gymnasium Freyung in the school year 2019/2021 and school partnerships in perspective are mediated and supported.

Waymarks and Events
2021 were carried out and completed:
- Exchange project with Gymnasium/Secondary High School Freyung (Germany)
2020 were carried out and completed:
- Renovation of the roof/sanitary facilities Academy/Internat
- Upgrading of the music room/acoustic ceiling
2018 were carried out and completed:
- Start of distance learning: first unit of first aid instruction on 25 October 2018.
2017 were carried out and completed:
- Purchase of two resuscitation dolls for schools and hospital (donation in kind October 2017)
- Conduction of the workshop Pupils save lives, where 250 pupils learned first aid in October/November 2017
- Guest stay of 2 students in October/November at the Academy
Projects: Education
together with the College of Education- punktuell Guest lectures and workshops (since 2011*)
*by members of KS-plus e.V. before it was founded in 2017

Projects: Education
vocational trainingOpen School
Preparation of teaching contents for the Open School (guest lectures, workshops on technical techniques, planning and financing of a 6-month qualification measure for sanitary installer assistants by KS-plus together with the Schmitz Foundations). The Open School is a programme that offers opportunities for postgraduate training at several levels.
- point-specific Transfer of specialist knowledge and expertise (since 1990*)
*by members of KS-plus e.V. before it was founded in 2017