The hospital will gradually expand and include further departments in the future. An operating theatre wing that meets modern requirements will be added, as well as a monitoring and intensive care unit (functional wing 1st floor, see picture on the right, part of the shell already erected).
In the final stage, the hospital will be the basis for the training of doctors and nurses, including laboratory assistants and x-ray assistants. The focus will stay on the treatment of people in need, which is not only a challenge for financing. A side effect of this is that economic considerations play a lesser role in the treatment, also with regard to medically unnecessary but economically highly interesting examinations and treatments. Together with most people working in the medical field, we are concerned about the current trend towards an economic sector that undermines the trust between patient and practitioner needed for treatment, at least in the long term.
But as always in life: practical solutions are in demand. So let’s search for the way out of this dilemma !
Finally we invite You to a 100 second flight ove the hospital area.