The Kirpal Sagar Academy started with the first class in 1988 and has been expanded year after year since then to include kindergarten and classes 1 through 12. It is a boarding school, but also has external students from the surrounding area.
The curriculum complies with international standards and is set by the Indian Ministry of Education. The contents are almost congruent with Western European standards, which can be traced back to the British past.
The language of instruction is English. Hindi and the local Punjabi are taught as additional languages.
At the secondary level, grades 11 and 12, the focus is on mathematical and natural sciences (in India: medical), economic and social sciences (non-medical) and linguistic and musical sciences (arts).
The school ends with a central examination, which offers access to the university and corresponds to our Abitur.
With the help of a distance learning system, the Academy is connected to vocational guidance networks. In addition, intensified examination preparation is offered via the system and external specialist knowledge is integrated into the natural science subjects.
The campus comprises several boarding school buildings. Girls are specifically supported, which is a special concern of the headmistress and the extended school management.
In 2017, almost 500 pupils attended the Academy, a good 100 of them in the upper school. The focal points offered by these schools, from which the students choose their favourites, are expanded year after year.
About one third of the students get a scholarship from the Academy’s side. This enables also talented students of poor parents to get a propper secundary education which gives them a good base of later financial support of their near and dears. It’s a further stone in sustainability.