ISBN 978-3-948764-12-8

The brochure Kirpal Sagar by KS-plus e.V. gives an overview of all activities in the field of public welfare, charity and sustainability that took place in Kirpal Sagar from October 2017 to December 2018 – without claiming to be complete. It is part of a series registered with the German National Library by means of ISSN. The electronic media are grouped under the ISBN 978-3-948764-12-8. KS-plus provides the electronic publications free of charge..

Now briefly about the contents of the brochure. Starting at the airport in New Delhi, one is taken on a journey to Kirpal Sagar. This is followed by news from the field of renewable energy, preservation of cultural heritage, news from the hospital and schools, vocational training and agriculture. A few historical photos from the early days complete the overall impression.

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Titel (title): Kirpal Sagar annual report 2017/18
Person(en): Mitarbeiter KS-plus e.V.
Organisation(en): KS-plus e.V. (Freyung) (Verlag)
Ausgabe (edition): 1. edition
Verlag (publisher): Freyung: KS-plus e.V., Freunde und Förderer der gemeinnützigen Einrichtungen und Aktivitäten von Kirpal Sagar
Zeitliche Einordnung (time of publication): Erscheinungstermin: Januar 2019
Umfang/Format (pages/format): 36 pages: 141 illustrations; 29,6 x 21,0 cm
Andere Ausgaben (further informations):  
ISBN/Einband/Preis (ISBN/price): 978-3-948764-05-0 EPUB-Datei: free; 978-3-948764-05-0
EAN 9783948764050
Sprache(n) (language): English (en)
Sachgruppe(n): Medizin allgemein, Religion allgemein, Soziologie allgemein